Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!!

I had my 38 wk check up at 38 wks 4 days and well, I wasn't expecting the outcome!! The past three apointments the Doctor wouldn't even discuss inducement...just said I wasn't ready yet. Well this time I went in only wanting him to give me an end date...the latest point he would let me go.'s tomorrow 10/4/10!! I was between 1-2 centimeters and 50% effaced and he said that my body was ready for inducement. I was shocked!! I've been here before...but I'm still nervous. I just hope the Little Miss is ready to come into this world, and Mr. O is ready to be a big brother!!

To my O-Man~
I know you will be the best big brother in the world. You constantly tell me how you are going to share things with your sister, and teach her everything you know. I know it will be a tough adjustment going from an only child to a big brother, but I know you can do it. You're heart is filled w/love and I know you will truly love being a big brother. Your little sister will look up and admire you, and will drive you crazy trying to be just like you (trust me....I've been there done that). I also know that you will protect your little sister, and will not let anything bad happen to her. You will always be the little boy of my dreams and my baby!!

To the Little Miss~
I can't wait to finally meet you!! I wonder every day if you will have big bright blue eyes like your brother & cousin, and if you will be a blonde, or a brunette. I hope you are as even tempered as your brother, and adjust well to our crazy lives!! I am blessed to be given a chance to be a mother of both a boy and a girl. I may even let you think about dance and cheerleading!! : ) I've anticipated this day for a long time now, and tomorrow cannot come soon enough. I look forward to many years of shopping bonding experiences, joint mani & pedis..and once you turn 3...I'm sure all this will end as I will not be the cool mom anymore!! : )

To Troy~
You are the best father, husband, and friend. I know you are nervous about a little girl, but I think deep down you are just as excited. She will be wrapped around your finger in a matter of hours....and we will learn how to text, scare the boys away, etc.! I look forward to this journey with you and can't wait to discuss all the great movies that play at 3am that we have missed the past 3 years. Here's to sleepless nights and discussions about poop!! I love you!!

In a matter of hours....we will be a family of 4....and I couldn't be any happier. We are very blessed!

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