Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy 2 Months Brynnleigh

One day...I will post closer to the actual date....but I'm still adjusting to working full time with two kids.  Mornings and evenings are so hectic trying to get in and out the door, fed, bathed and kids in of course the blog has been put on hold.

So on 12/4/10 my baby girl turned 2 months old...crazy I know.  At times it seems like she's been here forever and at others, like she just got here.  She is still such an easy/good baby.  She has her moments of course...but she's great.

She smiles, talks, and more importantly...sleeps!!  My baby girls is still sleeping all night long.  I'm soo soo spoiled!!  We feed her anytime around 8pm-10pm...and we wake her up at 7:15am, put her in the car, and take her to my mom's, where she gets her first bottle between 7:45-8am.  She's been doing this since about 8-9 wks old.

To celebrate Brynnleigh's 2 month birthday, I ran a 5k!  Crazy I know.  I did fairly well..37 mins and a few seconds (can't remember...sorry).  I could have done better, but I thought we had another hill, and it was just some idiot running for fun! : )  It was super cold though...20 some degrees....and I'm running.  At least my kids will see exercise as fun, or crazy....or well who knows!!

Brynnleigh's 2 month check up went well....she's up to 10lbs 9 oz (double digits...finally) and 23" she's growing!!  Her little legs actually have a few rolls....when she was born, her poor legs were so skinny I was afraid I was going to break them!!

Happy 2month birthday baby girl!! 


  1. One day...I will post closer to the actual date....but I'm still adjusting to working full time with two kids. Mornings and evenings are so hectic trying to get in and out the door, fed, bathed and kids in of course the blog has been put on hold.
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