Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy 7 Months Brynnleigh

Brynnleigh turned 7 months old on 5/4/11.  This milestone was a tad rough for me to take...she's hit the round up 1 years old.  It's seems like just the other day I was pregnant, and just having her!  Brynnleigh, you are such an additon to our family, and I cannot imagine our family without you.  Your big brother, Owen is so proud and protective of you.  He still asks to hold you almost every day, and loves to play with you (and your toys!).  I personally, love to watch you smile and laugh.  You are almost always happy and content!!

This was not a month w/stats...but we thought you were sick and you had a doctors appointment right after your 7 month birthday.  So we at least got your weight!!  By the were not sick...maybe teeth?  But we don't see any coming in so only time will tell. 7 Months:

Weight - 17 lbs 9 oz  (this is pretty cool since it's my soccer number & Daddy's soccer number)

Food - 5 - 6 oz bottles (8 am, 11 am, 2pm, 5pm, and 8-9pm) rice cereal twice a day, and stage 1 and stage 2 foods twice a day....once Owen finishs up w/school we will try to drop a bottle and add more food.

Sleep - you've kinda stopped doing his (why we took you to the doctor) so we are hoping this improves

Diapers - size 2-3 and soon to be 3

Clothes - 3-6 and some 6-9...I've been pulling out all the 6-9, but just can't part with some of the 3-6 just yet ; )

Favories - your brother for sure....but you tend to like your dolls/stuffed animals and chewing on the backside of your pacis.

We've enjoyed your first 7 months and look forward to many many more....I just hope they come along slowly, I like to treasure every moment with my babies!!

 love this pic

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