Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - End of Troy's Career

So, Troy has decided to finally give up soccer!!  After 25+ years he said he was done, and to prove it, he burnt his cleats.  I wasn't sure that he was serious, but I guess he was.  He still enjoys soccer, but I think he missed not being able to go to Owen's practices this past season and missed Owen's last make up game.  I'm happy that my husband is such a family man!!

Troy, you were/are one heck of a soccer player and I enjoyed your watching your games through the years!!!  (I"m also sorry that I made you play co-ed and always picked fights w/the other team....but it was fun right???  )

I love you babe!!

1 comment:

  1. ...this is a sad SAD day, indeed. Cool picture though. -Mills
