Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I did it!

Amy Squared - 1/2 Marathoners!
 I am officially a 1/2 marathoner....and I like it!!  I did everything I wanted to do on Saturday, I finished under 2 hours & 45 minutes - 2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact and I ran the ENTIRE 13.1 miles (except for the water stations...but you can't run through those anyways).  I was hoping to be closer to the 2 hour and 30 minute mark, but oh well...baby steps.

It was a frigid cold morning...it was 30 some degrees when we started and not too much warmer when we finished.  Amy & I decided to wear pants, short sleeve shirts, our training tank, and arm sleeves.  We were freezing up until the start ( we did have sweatshirts at this point) but once we got going we were okay. 
Troy & I Pre-Race
The first 3 miles were slow...just because it takes me that long before my body relaxes and gets into long distance mode.  Miles 3-9 were great...Miles 9-11 were pretty painful, slow, and boring (no offense Amy...this had nothing to do with you).  Mile 12 was exciting...we got passed by the Marathon winner....and I tried to run along the line to get a picture of me & him side by side...but it didn't work! ; )  Mile 13 is pure adrenaline.

Amy & I in line for our massage
Amy & I were able to chill & relax after our run, while waiting for the boys to finish, so we took advantage of the free massages & heat in the James Center.  I would highly recommend a post race massage to everyone.  My muscles were in pain and cramping at completion....after my massage, I might have been able to run some more (notice I said might).
Troy finishing - PR

The boys kicked butt and knocked almost 40 minutes off their time from last year.  Miguel (Amy's husband) finished in 4 hours 30 seconds, and Troy finished in 4 hours 2 minutes....which totally made me feel like our time was even slower (thanks boys!).

Me, Coach Ray, & Amy
I wish there were more music/crowds along our route - there were areas that were vacant, and it would have been nice to have that little push.  We did do the training team, and it was nice to have coaches throughout the route cheering us on.  I would highly recommend the training team - it was well worth it!

Miguel, Amy, Troy, & Me - Post Races
So, I was totally gung ho to sign up to do a marathon after the race...until I got home, and I realized how bad Troy felt after running.  I'm not sure I want to do that to myself, and miss out on time with my babies & family.  I hated that we missed a weekend with the kids. So for now, I think I'll stick with 5Ks, 10Ks and 1/2 marathons for a while.

I did treat myself to my first ever Five Guys Burger & Fries experience...

And it was pretty good....I think I would have enjoyed it better had I waited until Sunday...but it didn't stop me from eating every last drop!  I got a little bacon cheeseburger...w/ lettuce, tomato, pickles, mushrooms, mayo, ketchup, & mustard and Troy & I split some fries.

So...famous question....would you do it again?  Definately....I mean how else am I going to beat that time?

I do have a few runs coming up - a 5K 12/3 (this is the race I did last year on B's 2 month birthday) - totally hope to be at or under 30 minutes, and a 1/2 marathon in DISNEY on 1/7 hoping to be closer to the 2hr 30 minute mark.  I also think I'm going to do a 1/2 marathon in March...but I haven't signed up yet....I wanted to make sure I survived this one first!

To Troy....thank you for making me realize that this is something I can do....and even though I was mad at you for pushing me out of bed every morning to go run, I appreciate it.  I never would have thought about it again had you not had such a passion for running (or at least pretending like you liked it!)

Amy - thanks for agreeing to do this with me, and sticking through with it.  I'm not sure I could have done it without you.

Miguel - Thanks for helping me FINALLY talk your wife into running....

If anyone is thinking about doing a long distance run...you can totally do it...just take some time and train for it.  If I can do it...you can too.  I used to DESPISE running....so it can be done! ; )

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