Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Christmas Card

So I went cheap again this year and took my own pictures for our Christmas cards. Not the best quality, but I'm happy with it. I do still want to do formal Christmas pictures, but this way I don't have to worry about getting them done asap and then ordering cards. Best part of it all, I got our pictures, and 100 Christmas cards for less than $28.00!

So yes...I really went from Sprinkler pics to Christmas in WW within a week...but hey, the weather does the same thing, so I'm good right? ; )


  1. Awesome Christmas card! So cute!

  2. Your cards came out really great! The kids are so cute and I love the blow up snowman. I should get one of those since we don't have snow!

  3. Your card is great and your children are adorable. I also took my own pictures for the card. Besides being extremely frustrating with a 4.5, 3 and 1.5 yr old, I think it was the way to go. (Especially because I won 25 free cards from Shutterfly)
    Anyhow, thanks for the linky.

  4. Thanks...Owen picked out the Snoman and is soo proud of it, so we had to incorporate in our card. Owen is also HORRIBLE w/taking professional pictures so to keep us all sane, I take my own. I ordered these through Costco, but did look into Shutterfly and Tiny Prints as well.
