Thursday, January 5, 2012


So, it's a New Year....who has made resolutions?  And now, 6 days later, who is still following through?

I typically don't do resolutions, because I know myself well enough to know that some things just don't work.  This year I've decided to try...and I'm keeping them simple.  They are pretty basic...but it's a start.

1) Declutter, organize, and clean house. - I love our house, but since we have such a crazy lifestyle, things tend to pile up in places and just stay there.  So I'm focusing on a little bit at a time.  Our main issue is our kitchen island, it's the store all for everything, and the place where everything gets dropped when we come home.  Our goal is to straighten it every night before bed to keep things from accumulating.  Up until last night, it was going great.  We were busy packing so I'm letting it slide...but when we return, it will be first on our list.

I also downloaded a "Declutter Calendar" here which will hopefully help me stay organized.  I will admit that it is January 5th and I haven't started.  In my defense I left the calendar at work, and we've been crazy.  So hopefully when we get back I can focus better. 

2) Spend more time as a family - just say no - We are always sooo busy and never home.  This year, I'm going to say no to a lot of things so we can have more time together.  With me working outside the home, and 45 minutes away, it takes a lot of hang out time away - by the time we finish eating it's bath time and bedtime.

3) Fitness - increase & correct diet - so, I'm a runner, but I only run once a week and don't do ANYTHING the other 6 my goals for 2012 is to try and do some sort of physical activity twice a week and as that gets to the norm, I'd like to increase.  I would also like to make sure I continue my running...maybe not daily, weekly or what not, but I don't want to loose what I've worked so hard for.

As far as diet...some days I eat great, others not so much.  I just need to make better choices.  I gave up fast food last February and I think I'm going to stay away again this year.  Now the challenge is how long can I stay away.  Honestly, it's not hard, I don't miss it (Except for Arbys) but I do miss the convenience.  Especially on those rainy days.

Next weekend I'm going to tackle my "craft closet" and get that all organized and straight...stay tuned to see how I can make this

all neat and organized just by using these

What are your resolutions for the new year?  Any tips on achieving your resolutions, or helping me to achieve mine?

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