Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Lunch or Nap?

While eating lunch on Saturday I looked over and found Brynnleigh like this:

Right after I took the picture....she looked like this:

And yes, she is still in her pjs at lunch time, but it was a wet and cold Saturday and we had nothing to do (other than clean of course) so we had a lay low day.  B stayed in her pjs until after her nap, and O was in his pirate costume once again!

Don't forget to check out my Lovable Labels review - the link is posted on the right hand side of my blog. 


  1. This is too funny! So cute though! Remind me next week! I want to link up:)

  2. There must be something about that chair, because I have the same one and Kid 2 falls asleep during dinner ALL THE TIME!

    Thank you for linking up with me!

  3. That is so funny! That happens to my daughter too:)

    Visiting for Wordless Wednesday! Hope you can stop by:)

