Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Owen

A more detailed post to come....but O got his birthday snow that he wanted.  He was sooo excited when he woke up this morning....he threw on some snow clothes and headed out the door.  Unfortunately Troy and I both have to work today, but we made sure to get some sledding, snow angels, and snow balls in before leaving!

While it snowed all day Sunday (didn't start sticking until about 7pm) it was beautiful out on Saturday for his party.  60 degress and sunny!  We only had 25 kids (I think) not the 36 I was all went well and I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time.

FYI - Don't forget to enter the giveaways (see links on right hand side of blog) 2 end tonight at midnight and there's plenty of room for people to win!!  Please make sure you leave a comment on the blog post with your favorite product from the respective companies, so your other entries will count!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Owen! The party was great and the swords are a huge hit at our house!
