Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Mohawk Man

Owen wanted to get his hair cut in a mohawk soo bad.  We promised him that he could do it once his preschool ended, just in case they did graduation photos (which they didn't...and I'm a little upset about it).  So, the time came.....


And went....poor O was terrified of the clippers.  He refused to let us get close to him with them and only wanted us to cut with the scissors.  I explained to him that he couldn't have his mohawk and he didn't care....there would be absolutely no clippers being used near him.

So when we were done, MeeMaw spiked his hair a bit....and he was ecstatic....telling everyone he got a mohawk!  He was like a kid in the candy store!

O's version of a mohawk
So while O is happy with his make shift mohawk...I'm upset it's not a real mohawk....and also wondering why in the world am I upset that my kid chose not to get a mohawk?  Seriously,  I think I'm going crazy! ; )


  1. Aww! well it looks very nice heheh!

  2. He looks good!

    Danielle @ Royalegacy

  3. That is one happy (cute) dude!!

    Thanks for hosting, have a great week.

  4. It still looks adorable though! And now he can switch it up sometimes!

  5. Cool hairstyle..

    Visiting for Wordless Wednesday- hope you can stop by:)


  6. Awww, he looks great! My BFF's son asked for a mohawk for his birthday and loves it! =)

  7. He looks SO happy to have his own version of a mohawk! That smile is allergic!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  8. I love that you wanted your son to have a mohawk! There's nothing wrong with that!


  9. Naturally he has the same mohawk helmet with that mohawk! Love it. Thanks for stopping by to comment. Have a wonderful day!

  10. he looks handsome in any hair style!

  11. He really like his Mohawk hairstyle:)

    Visiting for WW- hope you can stop by:)


  12. He looks so cool!!! Promise I will link up next week!
