Friday, August 31, 2012

Brynnleigh and the slide!

Last night O spent the night with my parents and went to the county fair. B was so upset to have to leave without her "Bubba" so we decided to let her have a little fun after dinner. (We called it her own mini fair). She was having so much fun on the slide I just had to take a video! I love watching it and hearing her just makes me happy!

I can't wait to have a long fun weekend with my family...and then on Tuesday, O starts crazy is that?  I'm so not ready...but he is, and I love his teacher, so I think we will all be okay.

Happy Friday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!

    I love how little ones, when they see a camera, always end up saying "I wanna see! I wanna see!" Sometimes it seems like I have nothing filmed but short people saying "I wanna see!" :)
