Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday -Owen's Book Bag

Owen  is so excited for "5 year old" school to start.  I let him pick out a new book bag and was torn between a cheap character bag vs. a nice sturdy bag.  Of course I stressed and put way too much research into it, but I wanted it to be perfect for my O.

I didn't really want to put any restrictions on O in picking his bag....until he picked up a Handy Manny bag at Toys R Us the other day....then those feelings changed.  It wasn't because it was Handy Manny (well maybe in a bit it was), it was because I knew Owen doesn't like Handy Manny (he used to, then 100% changed his mind, until we were at Toys R Us of course).  Owen picked the Handy Manny book bag because it was the very first book bag that was not pink...he then picked up every other bag.  He didn't want a specific book bag, he just wanted any book bag!

I talked O into just getting a lunch box (Star Wars - another random) and told him we would look around at book bags to find the right one.  We "randomly" received an LL Bean catalog in the mail that same day and I started looking at their book bags.  I showed them to Owen and he fell in love with the camo bag (they have a red and a blueish), and he wanted the as close to brown and green camo as possible.

Before I bought the book bag I asked O 100 1000 times if he was sure that is what he wanted.  We walked by other book bags, and I showed him pictures online of everything I could think of (Angry Birds, Spiderman, etc) and he was set on his camo bag.....so I got it.  O picked out the Explorer Backpack in Mariner Blue Green Grid Camo.

The second we realized it was delivered we HAD to open it.....and he was so excited.  We had to take it with us to MeeMaw's that day, take pictures to seen to Missy & Papa who were out of town, and take it to Granny's this past weekend.  He also has already asked to pack it with his school supplies because he may just be too busy the morning on the first day of school!

I love this bag - and I really love the lifetime guarantee!


  1. Awww he is precious! Hope he loves school as much as mine do!
    Have a great w/w!

  2. LL bean bags are the way to go! I learned this the hard way when every couple months the zippers on my kids bags broke. Until I got LL Bean bags. I even drove over my son's LL Bean bag and it was just fine lol. He's had the thing almost 15 years now and it's still good :)

    Happy WW!
