Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - I did it Mama!

Yes that is correct, our little princess went pee pee in the potty tonight (10/23/12)...and yes, I had a whole different WW post planned for this week, but Brynnleigh, you earned it!

B did just turn 2 a couple of weeks ago, so we are not pushing the potty training...we are just introducing and seeing how she reacts.  She showed a ton of interest about 6 months ago and I felt that she was just too young...now, she could care less about the whole thing.  So of course, tonight, we made a HUGE deal of her accomplishment.  Hopefully she will continue, but if she doesn't...we've got time, she's only 2! ; )

So congratulations Brynnleigh, we are so proud of you!!

Mommy, Daddy, & Owen


  1. Congratulations, how exciting. I'm still waiting...

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

  2. We bought a princess potty and used reward stickers, it worked great! :) Danica

  3. Each moment that brings you a step closer to being diaper free is to be celebrated :-)

  4. Yah!! I hope to get there soon with Zane!
