Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Slice & Bake Cookies

First let me start off by saying just how wonderful my husband is....I was busy running to every store in a 40 mile radius looking for kid friendly Thanksgiving themed napkins for Owen's school party.  (FYI - never found any, they got these really cool Thanksgiving green napkins....hey, they got cute turkey cups, so we got 1/2 of it right!).

Well, Brynnleigh needed slice and bake cookies for her school party, and you couldn't cheat and use the wonderful little squares that are already portioned out.  We HAD to use the tube.

So, when I got home after the crazy napkin search, my wonderful husband had already changed the kids and put them in bed, and had the cookies baking in the oven (we had dinner w/his parents, so my crazy run started at 8pm).

Then....I opened the oven....

and saw that my husband took the term "Slice and Bake" literally.  I couldn't say anything....I just was glad that he bought two tubes of cookies the other day.  So I quietly took out the other tube and begin "Slicing, slicing some more, and rolling".

He was so excited to tell me that I didn't need to do it, he already had them in the oven....I laughed and said "Honey, the cookies will be bigger than the 2 year olds, we'll keep those for ourselves."

Poor thing...he was so proud of himself (which he we may or may not have done this before, which was how I knew you had to do more than slice and bake).  He told me, "I even followed the directions and even cut them a bit thinner than they said!"

Luckily the second batch turned out better for the 2 year olds....

Thank you for being proactive and trying to help me get everything done Love!  I love you, big connected cookies and all! ; )

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