Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - New Years Through Kindergarten Eyes

Monday I was volunteering at Owen's class - while waiting in the hallway I saw this...

That's right, O wrote "I like New Years BCTS I play." and I love it! 

It's true - we do NOTHING on New Years day....well the kids at least.  Troy and I clean up all the Christmas decorations and the kids spend all day playing with their new toys.  We don't leave the house!  I love his train picture on his hat too.  That boy has been obsessed with trains for almost 4 years now!


  1. So sweet. I love to read what Kindergarten's write!! Love the smiling face too.

  2. Adorable!

    I always love wandering down the hall at the elementary school and looking at the works of children. There's always a good chuckle to be had there!

  3. That's awesome! I have a kindergartner too - I love the things they come up with :-)

  4. That is adorable! I love the trains on his hat too =)

  5. HA! That's cute! I LOVE reading little kids' work, they are so cute and innocent!

  6. After many years in Reception I read that without hesitation. :o) Thanks for linking up, I've done the same.
