Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Crazy Bridesmaid

Everyone has one of these....you know, the crazy bridesmaid...the one who makes you second guess why you even invited her in the first place...

But then....you have sooo much fun during those stressful times and you remember....that if you didn't invite the crazy bridesmaid, then you wouldn't have any fun/random pictures!!

So yes, I was the crazy bridesmaid this past weekend....but don't worry, it was a fun crazy!

This is all me...no alcoholic help needed!  Thank you for letting me a part of your special day Christina!

I have more pictures to share from this past weekend wedding, and I promise some adorable pictures of the best looking ring bearer I have ever seen!  Until then....let loose and have some fun...you know, like a crazy bridesmaid (or person in general) would do!

Also, I have two giveaways going on now that you can enter HERE and HERE.


  1. I think you and I would get along just fine. That first photo is hilarious!

  2. I can just see my youngest daughter being that way at her older sister's wedding this summer.

  3. how fun!!! ;)

    Thank you for hosting WW with a linky, I have a linky on mine as well if you'd like to visit ;) http://su.pr/991Kl6
    and there's a giveaway linky on it with thousands of dollars in prizes already! ;) http://su.pr/30tk9N see you next week!
