Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Way Back

So, way back huh?  Yep, these girls and I go way back, Kathy and I go all they way back to 2nd grade, and Amy and I back to high school, 10th or 11th grade.  Kathy and Amy go back to middle school too.

This picture, well that was way back from this past Sunday.....where we somewhat relaxed (you know, while chasing two 2 year olds and keeping up with a 6 year old) by the pool.  We aren't able to get together as much as we all would like, but try as much as possible. 

Nothing can replace a set of good girlfriends who like you for you, know your faults, and are okay hanging out doing nothing and consider it a great time!!!

Me, Kathy, & Amy
(So that's 2 WW back to back with an actual picture of me, and me in a bathing suit - that never happens...hee hee)
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OrangeHeroMama said...

Aww. That's great! :)

Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your visit with your friends... I agree, it's good to have girlfriends like that even when you can't see them all the time! Happy WW!

kewkew said...

Glad you were able to get together, it is awesome that you have such long lasting friendships.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing at Tots and Me

Anonymous said...

Lifetime friends are the best!

Happy WW!

Abelle | The Wows! And Oops! Of Life said...

You made me remember the post I made on my old blog. A side by side picture of me and my two best friends back in high school (more than 2decades ago) and the three of us again in 2007.

Greetings from the Philippines! ;o)

Diana Mancuso said...

That is so sweet! One of my dearest friends and I go as far back as grade 1. A true friend to cherish forever...

Kathy said...

aww! Ky & I had a blast at the pool, we'll have to do it again soon!

ellen said...

Have a wonderful weekend (Y)