Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Karate Kid

Owen qualified to test for his green stripe belt in Taekwondo....he was sooo soo soo excited.  I'm not going to lie, I was a bit nervous.  I mean he had to kick, and break a board, for the first time EVER!  Yep, no practice, just step up and go.

I watched one by one as the kids in front of him went...the first kid, yeah, it took him a few tries.  The other 2-3 were pretty good with it, but knowing how timid O can be at times, I just knew he was going to tell them that he was good, and didn't need to try and kick a board.

Then...it was his turn....he jumped right on up, ran over, and then.....

Yep, that's right...my little karate kid did it perfectly!  We are so proud of him...he completed all of his tests perfectly.  He also had to do his 17 form moves, say words in Korean, and complete the 3 steps of sparring....and every single one, were perfect!

We will find out on Friday if he gets his green striped belt....and I have no doubt that he will!!

Way to go O!


  1. At my boys dojo, they get their stripes that day and only have to be able to complete their current form to get their stripe.

  2. We are a martial arts family too. Such a great sport for kids.

  3. Fantastic I am sure he will...good luck

    Have a kicktastic week ;-0

  4. Wonderful! I hope he gets his green striped belt! He deserves it! Thanks for hosting.

  5. That's awesome! Congrats! Karate is a great activity for kids :)
