Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - We lost one!

It's official - last Wednesday evening O lost his first tooth!!!

Most kids lose their first tooth - O pulled his out! ; )  It was hanging by a thread and I have no clue how he did not lose it during football practice.

He was soo excited, he immediately wanted to go to bed so the Tooth Fairy could come.....but his crazy Mommy had to take some pictures first!!

Then it was off to bed....O decided to put his tooth on his bookcase next to the bed vs. under his pillow. He said he didn't want the tooth fairy to miss it!!  He was so excited the next morning to wake up and find a glittery dollar bill!! (Sorry, we had school so no AM pics).


  1. The first Tooth Fairy visit is a big milestone! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Congrats on the first visit from the Tooth Fairy. We just had our last "first missing tooth" here a few weeks ago. It's quite a milestone.

    Thanks for joining the party at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama.

  3. Congrats!!! What a milestone moment. The Glittery Dollar Bill is a Genius Idea, really looks magical just as the tooth fairy is. My LO top two teeth are hanging by a thread going to have to make her dollar glitter
