Thursday, January 23, 2014

University of Richmond defeats U. Mass!!

We were lucky to have tickets to see the University of Richmond basketball team play last night.  These were not your average tickets, these were court in inches from the in let me wipe the sweat off your brow.  It was phenomenal!  We took O with us since he's big into basketball right now and he loved it!  Unfortunately we thought it was a bit too close to bring B with us....I could just see her running out to help the cheerleaders or even the players so she stayed with Missy and Papa.

U of R defeated the #13 ranked team U. Mass, so it's always nice to see your team win and even better when they beat a ranked team!

We hope to be able to do this again ( every game please!).  I didn't get my usual ton of pictures because I was trying to make sure none of us go slobbered by the ball or a player.  Next time I may take the risk!  These were perfect seats for awesome random heads in the way or anything!

O got to hold the ball during the under 12 minute time out....he thought it was the coolest thing ever!

So here you raw, unedited pictures from last night (sorry folks...I'm no fancy dancy photographer, I don't edit my pictures which is why I take a ton!)

This was taken from my cell phone (by T...pretty cool shot)








Believe it or not, I didn't post ALL the pictures that I took!!  Such a fun family experience.  If you are in the area you have to check out a home Spiders basketball much fun!


  1. Wow, great pictures. Looks like a fun, fun time.
    Michelle F.

  2. It is awesome when your team wins!! I am not a basketball fan but I can tell you had a BLAST!! And I understand, taking photos when you are having fun is addictive! I am one to believe that you can never have one too many photos :) (I have 200+ GB to prove this).
