Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy 4 Months Brynnleigh! goal in the next two weeks is to catch up...this is what happened w/O when I first started this blog...I got so behind and just stopped/gave up.  I'm determined to keep this up, I think it will help me remember life as it goes, since well it goes so dang fast.

Now onto the important babies!!

Brynnleigh turned 4 months old on 2/4/11...and I must confess that these pictures were taken on Saturday 2/5 right before Sister Casie's wedding. (Friday we went straight to the reheasal dinner, and as much as I thought about waking B up at 11pm to take her pics, I decided against it).

Her 4 month stats:
Weight - 14 lbs 4 oz (70%)
Height - 25 1/2" (80%)
Head - 43" (92%)

She is still in size 1-2 diapers (probably could move to 2's...but we are trying to get through these first)
and wearing a 0-3 month and a few 3-6 month clothes.

She still only takes 5-5oz bottles a day (8 am, 11 am, 2 pm, 5 pm and 8pm)...the doctor said we could start rice cereal at any time, but there was no need since she was sleeping all night.  She did tell me that since B is only taking 25 oz of formula a day, to stop cereal if she stopped taking all of her bottles.  I'm not in a rush to start cereal, and I didn't start O right at 4 we will just play it by ear when we will start.

The Doctor also told me to start orange/yellow stage 1 veggies closer to 6 thing I know she'll be eating regular food!!

Brynnleigh still isn't rolling over or sitting up, but the doctor was not alarmed.  Honestly, I'm glad she's happy staying a baby...I don't want to rush any of this!

O still loves his baby sister....he is very protective and always wants her where he is.  B loves her big brother and smiles a big smile everytime she sees him!!!  I'm so glad my kids love each other...I'm sure I'll have to go back and look at all of this when they are yelling at each other in a few years!

And one last pic that I couldn't resist....Daddy's Little Cupcake!

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