Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Newest Obsession

Yes....I have a new obsession....we will see how long this lasts (it happened once before, but then I drifted away).  So what is it you ask?  Well is a new search engine...well I guess it isn't new...but new to me & maybe new to you. 

Search & Win

Swagbucks is a search engine like Google but as you search, you randomly earn points otherwise known as Swagbucks...well you can accumulate these points and then redeem them for fun prizes/gifts.  I had redeemed some about 6-7 months ago to get an Amazon gift card which I used to get a HUGE box of diapers shipped to my house...I paid less than $2 for a Sams club box of Pampers diapers shipped directly to me within 2 days of purchase!

So now I've set my sights a little higher....onto this....

and well...I want it.  I've wanted a GPS watch...but now there is a PINK gps watch.  It's $250 (well $249.99 but I rounded up) so I have a LOT of Swagbucking to do.  I've turned in points to get 2- $5 gift cards (it takes about 14 days to get Amazon codes) and have some points to get some more.  What is weird is that the $5 Amazon gift cards are way cheaper than the $50 gift card (if I bought 10 $5 I would save 1000 swagbucks!).  I've read online that you can only redeem 5 of each thing a month...so I can only get 5- $5 Amazon cards each month...so just buying $5 cards, would take me 10 months to purchase my watch.  That is way too long to wait...but I hate wasting swagbucks!  I'm determined to purchase this (or maybe another one...who knows what might come out between now and when I have enough points) GPS watch using Swagbucks only in hopefully less than 10 months.

So I will keep a tally and let you all know my progress and how the Swagbuck world is treating me.  If anyone is interested in joining Swagbucks, please click my link....I do get bonus Swagbucks for each referral...and everytime you earn Swagbucks, I do as well.  (I'm pretty sure it's vice versa as well, but I need to research before I say for sure).  As people click the link and join, I'll add tips and tricks to earning additional swagbucks!! (FYI - ONE PER HOUSEHOLD...you can use same account on multiple computers too)

Here are my stats as of today 3/15/11
1345 Swagbucks
$10.00 in Amazon gift cards redeemed waiting for codes to be emailed

$240.00 left towards my prize (20255 Swagbucks away using $5 rebates)

So click the link and start today!! Search & Win

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