Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New Year, A New Plan...

Guess who is least I hope.  It is very difficult to maintain a blog when you are a tad OCD.  For some reason I'm just realizing just how OCD I am on certain things.

Troy wishes that I was OCD with organizing and house straightening, but unfortunately I'm not.  My OCD actually makes that part harder.  As in when I get a magazine - I need to read it from cover to cover - typically also have to read the oldest one first...take that into account, with the fact that the magazine I typically read comes once a week - and my down time is about 5 minutes a day - leads to a stack of magazines by my bed.  And don't even think about asking me to throw them away....even if I'm a few months behind, I need to know what happened with Blake and Miranda, and whichever Teen Mom is in trouble, or was.

So with running a blog - I'd like to recap our day to day lives - at least the fun and crazy and memorable stuff....BUT I don't always have time to get what I want typed out....then when I have the time, I want to go back where I left off vs. starting with where I am....and once again - that stuff just stacks up - just in my brain, and not beside my bed.  When I can't do it in order, I just stop, as you can see in my lack of posts.  In all honesty, does it really matter if I tell you about my August Myrtle Beach Vacation before what happened in June??  To you no, to me, it's kinda like the end of the world.

So in 2016, I pledge to continue the blog, in some way shape or form.  It may not be in chronological order but it will be a bit more active - and less advertisements, and more about us.

Why I love to do reviews and giveaways, it adds additional stress on me, and sometimes I'm too worried about hitting the time lines than the actual reason for the post.  I've learned in reading other's blogs, that I enjoy the personal ones more than the ones that offer reviews and giveaways.  I want to know that "Molly" is stressed, trips while getting dress, and sent her child to soccer practice with ballet shoes - I mean that's what makes us human right??  (and why I am not Molly, I may have done all of the above at some point in time).

So here's to 2016, and getting to know the BOAT a little bit more....even if it's out of order!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Captive Book Review

I'm sure we have all felt "Captive" at some point or another in our lives.  I myself in more ways than one.  Right now I feel "Captive" to this crazy lifestyle my family has put ourselves in.  I leave the house at 7 AM and typically return around 9PM still needing to feed the family, bathe two kids, double check homework, clean (did I mention our dishwasher has been broken for 6 months??), put kids to bed, pack bags for the next day's activities...oh and then I work on more work from home until who knows wake up and do it all over again the next day!

My captivity has nothing on Ashley Smith's experiences from 2005.  She was held captive in her own apartment by a man who had escaped prison and had been on a killing spree in the process.

Her book, also written in 2005 has been made into a movie by the same title, "Captive" and was released on 9/18/15.

Before I received the book to review I had heard this story but not in full detail.  Ashley had actually spoken at one of my church's women's retreats, but I had not attended.  I was intrigued by her story, but never got a chance to read or hear more.  I was excited to finally read her book.  I read it while at the beach with my family and I could not put it down.  It was an easy read, and I wanted to continue to read to find out what would happen next.  I knew that Ashley survived her captivity but I didn't know how or why.

I honestly felt like I was in her apartment with her, pleading with Brian Nichols to let her go, let her go see her daughter.  Let her turn her life around.  I was trying to find ways to help her escape, help her break away but in all honesty, Ashley needed Brian as much as Brian needed her.

Reading her book makes you question your own lifestyle.  Are you purposeful in what you are doing? 

CAPTIVE, based on a miraculous true story that drew the attention of the entire nation, is a thrilling drama about the spiritual collision of two broken lives.  When Brian Nichols - on the run as the subject of a city wide manhunt and desperate to make contact with his newborn son - takes recovering meth addict Ashley Smith hostage in her own apartment, she turns for guidance to Rick Warren’s best-selling inspirational book, The Purpose Driven Life.  While reading aloud, Ashley and her would-be killer each face crossroads where despair and death intersect hope.  

The movie stars David Oyelowo, who played Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the recent film, Selma.
Click HERE for a special greeting from David Oyelowo.
I have already read the book that helped her get through her captivity, A Purpose Driven Life but I want to go back and re-read it and see if I am able to pull more out of it.  My lifestyle (aka kids) has changed a lot since I first read this book. 

You can follow along with all the below links:

AUDIO BOOK BYTE  (Audio excerpt from the audio book format of CAPTIVE (chapter 1), read by the author, Ashley Smith.) 
If you have not read Ashley's book yet, please do, it really is a must read.  Once you have read the book, then head out to the theater and see the movie version.  I cannot wait to see this movie myself!
I leave you with some questions to ponder....
We’ve all faced circumstances that have held us captive in some regard.  What has held you captive?  How did you find your purpose?  

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this book for my review.  Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Whatever Wanda Book Review and Giveaway

Brynnleigh loves to do book reviews - she gets so excited every time we get a new one!  So the MINUTE Whatever Wanda arrived in the mail she had to get her hands on it!

About the book:
32 pages 

Whatever Wanda, is the third title in the Shine Bright Kids series! The Shine Bright Kids series provides children and their families with the tools to teach the importance of making good choices. The series explores such topics as: using good judgment, taking responsibility, having a positive attitude, and demonstrating perseverance.

Wanda is in serious need of an attitude adjustment! She doesn’t want to accompany her family to the Rubber Duck Days Festival, and once there, she won’t participate in any of the events or join in with her friends. Soon Wanda receives some helpful advice and learns that:

“Sometimes you have to believe something will be great before it actually is. Being positive is a choice that makes everything better, not to mention, a whole lot more fun!”

About the author:
Christy Ziglar, financial planner, mother of twins, and niece of legendary motivator and the world’s original optimist, Zig Ziglar, is bringing the same timeless wisdom and ageless advice to an entirely new, younger audience through her Shine Bright Kids picture book series. Christy, her husband, and their twins live in Atlanta, Georgia.

About the illustrator:
Paige Billin-Frye lives with her husband in Washington, D.C., where she gardens and grows food in her city yard. She has illustrated numerous children’s books and works in a studio over a neighborhood hardware store. Coincidentally, Paige has amassed a collection of rubber duckies of all sizes across the years.

You can find the other titles of the Shine Bright Kids series HERE.

Brynnleigh and I read this book right before bed and we both loved it.  It is super cute with great illustrations to keep little ones entertained.  There is a bit of repeat where it says "Whatever" and Brynnleigh loved "reading" that with me.  There is also a cute little star you have to find on each page. 

This is a great books for kids - it teaches you that your attitude can make or break an experience.  This is perfect for my house because Brynnleigh's older brother, Owen is at the age where not everything is least until he gets there.  It may hit home to some adults too, it's very easy to get wrapped up into all the negative vs. the positive.

Brynnleigh has been asking me to read this book to her over and over again - so it is definitely a hit in our house!

Now it's your turn to win a copy for yourself!  Pretty easy and simple - just comment below who you would like to win this book for, and if you follow me on FB (or just started) leave another comment that you are a follower!  This is open to US and Canada only.

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Saving Christmas with Kirk Cameron - Movie Review

I grew up watching Kirk Cameron on Growing Pains so to this day I get excited when I see his name on anything.  Imagine my surprise to do a pre-screening of the movie Saving Christmas.  I was even able to participate in a live teleconference with Kirk Cameron, but unfortunately I had Brynnleigh's Parent/Teacher Conference at the same time.

About the movie:
This Christmas, have your family join with Kirk Cameron’s family and dive headfirst into all the joy, dancing, celebration, feasting, imagination, and traditions that glorify the true “reason for the season.” KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS is an engaging story that provides a biblical basis for our time-honored traditions and celebrations, and the inspiration to stand strongly against a culture that wants to trivialize and eliminate the faith elements of this holy season. So take in the splendor; take in the majesty; take in the story. Take it all in… and let’s put Christ back in Christmas! KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS is in theaters for a limited engagement beginning November 14 for two weeks only!
My Review:
I had not seen the trailer for this movie so I really did not know what to expect.  I got worried in the beginning as it started with Kirk Cameron sitting in front of the fireplace talking about Christmas - I was worried that was going to be the whole movie - listening to him talk.  I as glad I was wrong!  I don't mind listening to Kirk talk, but I wouldn't want to pay movie theater prices to do so.  : )

It did go into the movie which took place in the home of Kirk's sister during her annual Christmas party.  Everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves except for the sister's husband - he had run off to get away from the madness.  Kirk locates him and they discuss what was wrong.  Turns out, the brother-in-law, Christian was upset that people had lost the real meaning of Christmas and their focus was on things other than items from the bible.  He mentioned Christmas trees, Santa Claus, materialism and more. It was very interesting to see Kirk relate it all back to the bible and how it really does work.

I do not want to give it all away but I was shocked at how well it all fits together and does relate back to that first "Christmas story."  I was actually shocked at how Kirk was for enjoying and celebrating the Christmas holiday as we see it now since he is so liberal with his religion.

I am not sure that I would want to pay to see this in the theaters but I did take a lot away from this movie and think it will do great once it is on DVD.

To find out more about this movie make sure to visit it's official website:Saving Christmas

And now...for the GIVEAWAY, one lucky BOAT reader will win:
  A SIGNED Saving Christmas Movie Poster (signed by Kirk Cameron himself)
  The Soundtrack
  A Car Air freshener (smells like Christmas Trees of course!)

How to enter:

Leave a comment letting me know your favorite thing about Christmas

Bonus Entries - like my Facebook Page, Saving Christmas Facebook Page, or Comment on my FB post announcing this review and giveaway (make sure to post a separate comment below for each that you do)

I will pick a winner using on 11/21!

Good Luck!!!

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
 Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WW: Eat Your Words Mama!

Those of you that know me know how much of a tomboy I really am and always was growing up.  I played every sport I could and even tried to talk my parents into letting me play others (ahem football and baseball).

I remember the days watching my brother playing football and basketball and the other parents asking me if I couldn't wait to be a cheerleader for my brother's teams....and yep I laughed at them...or ignored them.  I WAS NOT GOING TO BE A CHEERLEADER....I wanted to play football and basketball....not jump and yell for those playing why would anyone want to wear a skirt and cheer/scream for someone else???

In my eyes, cheering wasn't a sport...period the end.

As I got older and of course was still playing sports and making fun of cheerleaders who claimed they were doing a sport I swore up and down that none of my kids would EVER be cheerleaders and that I would let them play football and baseball even if they were a girl.

With that being said.....let me introduce you to my 4 year old Brynnleigh...

who ONLY wants to cheer.....and honestly does a pretty good job at it too.  At the ripe old age of 4 she is in her second season of cheer and her first season of competitive in doing stunts!
So yep, this Mama is eating her words and will proudly support her little cheerleader in this SPORT that she has chosen!  (But with that being said - I DO still need to find someone to help me with her hair and makeup)

WW Link Up

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Where oh where have I been???

Have you missed me????  I have missed blogging....seriously!  I think about it a lot, but thinking and doing are two completely different things.  I need one of those tape recorder thingys (am I dating myself here??) that will record what I say, type it and post it...oh and add some cute pictures of course! 

I have tried to schedule myself a time to do this and a time to do that but then I realize that I'm too scheduled and just throw it all away and live my life!  It may almost be  time for me to admit that I'm doing too much....I'm not ready yet...but maybe soon.  I mean I think I can do it all....isn't it normal to work full time an hour away, have 2 part time direct sales jobs, have two kids involved in multiple sports (O - soccer, baseball, and tae-kwon-do, B - dance, cheering, & little kicks after school) which of course I'm the team mom, and event planner for their teams??  Oh and I'm also training for a marathon and attempting those other motherly/wifey things....ya know, homework, dinner, cleaning....spending time with the hubs.  (well actually he cooks and cleans most of the time...but I still attempt to look like I'm doing it every now and then!)

So with all that said...I DO want to keep blogging...and I do want to give you something you want to read and relate the BOAT will be back up and running....I can't promise super long awesome posts all the time...but I can promise you a glimpse into my crazy life and give you some laughs along the way!!

Oh...and in case they never make it on here....I have written some awesome blog posts in my head....I mean can you imagine what goes through my head during an 18 mile run???  I swear I really need one of those tape recorder things...that would be multi-tasking at its finest!

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Prize Pack Giveaway

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising): Many thanks to Propeller, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification."

Owen has us counting down to the release of The Amazing Spiderman 2 movie!!  He was so excited for this review and giveaway and cannot wait to go see the movie when it is released on May 2, 2014!!

About Spiderman
We've always known that Spider-Man's most important battle has been within himself: the struggle between the ordinary obligations of Peter Parker and the extraordinary responsibilities of Spider-Man. But in The Amazing Spider-Man 2™, Peter Parker finds that a greater conflict lies ahead.

We received an electronic copy of the Family Discussion Guide to review!  I must say it was a great tool to be able to take something that our 7 year old son loves (and loves to talk about) and relate to daily life experiences.  Some of these subjects are difficult to talk about with your kids and this guide made it so simple!  Each subject has a bible verse/excerpt, a discussion relating this to the movie, and then a way to relate back to daily life and discussion questions to help start the conversations!  Honestly I enjoyed reflecting on it all by myself as well!

Kids are obsessed with super hero's and special powers and this is a great tool to explain to them that everyone has powers, it is just a matter of whether they use it for good or evil!  I cannot wait to go back over this guide once we have seen the movie and see how the discussions change!

This is what got me thinking the most from the discussion guide:

"Before he died, Peter's Uncle Ben told him that with great power comes great responsibility."  

We all have power, but do we use it responsibly?

We touched on
  • Powers, which ones we each have and how they can be used (both good and bad)
  • Someone who is needed - don't let yourself feel like a nobody when you are somebody, treat others as somebody's too
  • Time, it's importance, time management, prioritizing
  • Be yourself, don't try to live someone else's life (using your talents and powers to be you)
  • Make good choices, consequences of bad choices, what items are out of your control
  • Sacrificing - how to achieve our goals and dreams, what things do others sacrifice?
This discussion guide makes me want to go back through our other family movies and see how I can make a discussion guide for those as well!

You can find more out about The Amazing Spiderman 2 Movie through the following links:

Official website for the

One lucky reader will win an Amazing Spiderman 2 Prize Pack which includes the Electronic Discussion Guide, a Spiderman 2 t-shirt, a Spiderman 2 paper mask, and a phone case!

You may enter more than one blog, but can only win on one blog per mailing address!  This is open to US an Canada only (No PO Boxes).

a Rafflecopter giveaway