Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Covered in Cuteness Spotlight

I hope everyone read/saw my Covered in Cuteness review HERE.

Covered in Cuteness has a ton of fun girly things...from bows, hats, and headbands to jewelry!  They even carry Bellanonna Beauty which is fun bath therapy, scrubs, cremes and much much more!

Lets find out more about Stephanie and Covered in Cuteness...

1) So tell us a little bit about your self...

I am a stay at home mom who enjoys crafting on the side. I also have a degree in Physical Therapy and do still treat on occassion.

2) Can you tell us more about Covered in Cuteness and how it got started?

Covered in Cuteness was started because we would often look for items that our young children could wear safely. Many items for infants had small beads or were held together by pieces that could easily come off thus posing a choking risk. Still, other items were held together by pins or glues that may be toxic. While no item is 100% safe, we take great pride in our products. After all, if we would not put them on our own children, we won’t suggest you put them on yours.

We have recently branched into carrying the all natural Bellanonna skin care line as well.

3) What is your favorite item and why?

My favorite item is the red rose headband with the pearl center. I love the feel of the red shabby flowers and the sophisticated look of this particular piece.

4) How can I order?

You can visit us at our website or on facebook.

Love what you see?  Then make sure to enter the Keeping Kids Creative Blog Hop Giveaway Event  where you can enter to win a specialty Halloween hat which fits ages 6 months to 3 years.

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