Santa loaded Owen up with lots of new toys!! Santa was smart not to wrap Owen's gifts, but next year I think Santa will be even smarter and will have everything put together and out of the box! Owen woke up around 8 am Christmas morning. We fed him breakfast while Mommy & Daddy got showered and ready for the super busy day.

After breakfast Owen ran into the family room and noticed that Santa had came and brought him some new toys.

Owen played with everything as Mommy & Daddy frantically tried to get everything unpackaged!! We left our house and headed over to Grandma & Grandpa's house. Owen tried to give all of Uncle Todd's Santa presents to Grandma, Grandpa, & Ma. At least he was in the giving mood and not the taking mood!!

Owen was not too into unwrapping presants, but was all into getting them out of the packaging to start playing with them. After Grandma & Grandpa's we headed to Grammie & Papa's (formerly known as Captain) to do Christmas with them. It wasn't the same since Uncle Jamy wasn't there, but we managed to get everything opened and put away in time for the rest of the family to show up.

We stayed there until 4, headed home for an hour so Owen could get some type of nap. We went back to Grandma & Grandpa's to do Christmas with the Lacks' at 5:30. After dinner, more gift opening (once again Owen was not into opening), a little game of Dirty Santa, we headed home. Owen went to bed, and Mommy & Daddy finally exchanged their gifts. Yes, everyone else knew about the 17 boxes Troy had hid in one big box for me, except for me. It's always fun with us on Christmas!!! The following evening, Owen opened his gifts from Mommy & Daddy!! It was a long and busy day, but we wouldn't trade it for the world!! :)