Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - All Star!

Owen just finished up t-ball and he had a blast!  Even though Troy and I were HUGE soccer players, I'm just glad O has found something he enjoys.  He does play soccer too, but he likes baseball the best!

I have 100 more pictures from the season, but this is one of my favorites...

And yes he looks small in this picture (in my opinion) but I think that is because his shorts are super long and his shirt is a bit big!

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Catch My Words said...

Or maybe he's still pretty young. Enjoy his youth while you still have it. My boy is 24 years old.


Unknown said...

Looks fun!

OrangeHeroMama said...

great shot! :)

Theresa Mahoney said...

Awww, I loved watching T-ball games when my nephew was little. Glad he found a game to play that he loves!

Monica said...

Fun memories!

Paula said...

That's great that he found a sport he enjoys. Cute how those helmets always look too big also :)


Jill said...

He's way too cute! I have 5 boys!

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